On killing IPv6 transition mechanisms

Benedikt Stockebrand me at benedikt-stockebrand.de
Thu Mar 18 22:48:56 CET 2010

Hi Ted and list,

Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm at ipinc.net> writes:

> Gert Doering wrote:
>> These enterprises are the ones that will be in for a nasty surprise
>> when they roll out Win7 or Server2008R2, and all of a sudden they have
>> uncontrolled IPv6 all over the place.  So it's quite important that they
>> understand what is coming up, and get prepared.
> Since those orgs use prebuilt images when rolling that stuff out, they
> always have the ability to disable IPv6 in the image then roll it out
> and that is likely what they will be doing.

First of all, they still have to know why and how to disable IPv6
reliably when they build these images.  And "always" is a word always
to be used with particular consideration:-)

Enterprise wide deployment isn't as easy as you seem to think, at
least with those enterprises I've seen so far.  Have you ever been
involved in such a project?  We are easily talking about a time scale
of two years here.

Those two years are the key reason why these enterprises have to make
up their mind about IPv6 right now: If they miss the rollout window
created by Win7, doing a separate rollout for IPv6 involves really
significant money, while waiting for Win8 plus the two years that
rollout preparation takes may be disastrous---not to mention the
chance that Win8 proves as troublesome as Vista.

> It's really going to be the midsize orgs not enterprise who will be most
> affected because they tend to not do forklift rollouts of machines
> across the enterprise, but instead move machines around between people
> and buy the machines one at a time as they need them and do not use
> prebuilt images, they just use the load that comes on the system.
> They are bringing win7 into the network now and mixing it with XP and
> some small amount of Vista.

While smaller companies do have a number of the problems you point
out, in this case they have a rather significant advantage: When
machines are replaced by a new one or re-installed with a new OS
and/or application software one at a time, you can test them on the
spot and fix problems one at a time rather than bringing major parts
of your company to a grinding halt.

Aside from that, even some of the "midsize" organizations I have
encountered so far have long since learned to buy machines from
vendors that provide proper end-of-life schedules and install them
using an imaging tool.  After all, they also go through that Windows
upgrade routine every few years.



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