XS4ALL Introduces native IPv6 for DSL customers

Bjørn Mork bjorn at mork.no
Fri Aug 27 14:26:38 CEST 2010

Marco Hogewoning <marcoh at marcoh.net> writes:
> On 26 aug 2010, at 21:13, Daniel Roesen wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 06:52:37PM +0200, Marco Hogewoning wrote:
>>> Both, on one side we know we have a lot of non-IPv6 capable modems
>>> out there,
>> Modems, or actually routers (with built-in modems)?
> Most of them are routers as well
>> I guess you do DHCP-PD for customer's LAN interface? What size of LAN
>> block does a customer get, just a /64? Or /56 and first /64 out of that
>> getting assigned to the LAN interface?
> PPP is unnumbered ie link local only, 

Why?  How do you do CPE mangament?  Steal a part of the delegated
prefix?  Or using IPv4 only?  Or not at all?

> we assign a /48 per customer available as IA_PD.

Great!  Thanks for pushing this.  It will make it easier for the rest of
us to just follow. 

Do you know which DHCPv6 client the Fritzbox uses?  Anything open
source, or their own implementation?


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