XS4ALL Introduces native IPv6 for DSL customers

Mark Smith nanog at 85d5b20a518b8f6864949bd940457dc124746ddc.nosense.org
Thu Aug 26 23:53:44 CEST 2010

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 18:52:37 +0200
Marco Hogewoning <marcoh at marcoh.net> wrote:

> On 26 aug 2010, at 17:43, Daniel Verlouw wrote:
> > Excellent news, good job!
> > 
> > On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 17:22 +0200, Marco Hogewoning wrote:
> >> XS4ALL customers can activate IPv6 on their account with a simple flick of a switch in the Service Centre on the company’s website. 
> > 
> > just out of curiosity why not turned on by default ? Router/modem
> > compatibility issues? A provisioning thing? Or afraid of helpdesk
> > overload with calls such as "my connection all of sudden doesn't work
> > anymore after you turned on this Eye Pee Vee Six thing" ? ;)
> Both, on one side we know we have a lot of non-IPv6 capable modems out there, so why waist resources on them. The other is indeed the fact taht if we push IPv6 to people without them being aware we might run into trouble.

I've seen an IPv4 only modem lock up two minutes after establishing a
PPP session, and then having upstream LNS periodically try to kick off
IPV6CP again. I suppose a lock up is somewhat equivalent to a PPP
Protocol-Reject ;-)


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