Why you shouldn't worry about IPv6 just yet

S.P.Zeidler spz at serpens.de
Sat Aug 21 07:28:15 CEST 2010


Thus wrote Ted Mittelstaedt (tedm at ipinc.net):

> I guess I should avoid ending sentences with prepositions that I've
> converted into verbs.
> where your existing ISP isn't -located-?
> And you only GET IPv6 from the new ISP

Frankly, for a true end user who is moving, packing the kitchen will be
more work than buying a new, IPv6 capable "DSL-router" (if they don't get
one from their provider and their old one doesn't accidentially support
it) and getting it going with the cheat sheet their provider handed to

> I think that would point the indication to that users DO have to
> worry about IPv6.

You expect that end users have more knowledge of IPv4 than what can be
replaced in 30min? :) -They- really can cross that brook when they come
to it.
The need to plan is where replacing kit is an investment, and the serious
work involved is also not in most home networks (yours may differ, but
people for whom that is true are likely to be running IPv6 already).

spz at serpens.de (S.P.Zeidler)

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