Why you shouldn't worry about IPv6 just yet

Michael Sinatra michael at rancid.berkeley.edu
Fri Aug 20 19:39:05 CEST 2010

On 08/20/10 06:41, Sebastian Wiesinger wrote:
> Wow, what a well researched and balanced article this is:
> http://www.pcpro.co.uk/realworld/360418/why-you-shouldnt-worry-about-ipv6-just-yet/
> I'm pondering if this article is actually sarcasm or if he is
> trolling.
> Regards,
> Sebastian

Sorry, I stopped reading when I got to this line: "New devices are being 
added to the internet faster than Mexicans buy lottery tickets...."  I 
am not one to cry "racism" all the time, but such a flip line seemed 
totally inappropriate, not to mention irrelevant.  Such an article is 
not even worth reading.  (And what I did read indeed seemed like 
baldfaced trolling, and he doesn't even appear to be terribly adept at 


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