IPv6 client loss measurements, now on the web

Tore Anderson tore.anderson at redpill-linpro.com
Fri Apr 30 09:37:27 CEST 2010

Hi Ted,

* Ted Mittelstaedt

> I'd encourage you that despite your private assurances that there are
> bug reports on this already that have been looked at, that you go
> through the motions of submitting the bug through the official link,
> then post Apple's response to that.

I have to admit I don't share your belief that this will serve any
purpose.  Apple has already read my messages and arguments on the issue
and why it should be fixed.  If they agree with me, I'm sure they're
working on the fix as we speak.  If they on the other hand don't agree
and don't intend to fix it, I doubt that me repeating my arguments
through another channel will make them change their minds.

Of course, if somebody other than me also reported having these
problems, that would be different.  Especially if that other person is
one of their own customers, holding a valid support contract, I guess.

> Either that, or email Janos and ask what the bug number is and post
> that number and name on your site.

He's already on this list, but I've added him to the Cc field of this
message anyway now.  Janos:  If you'd like me to, I'd be happy to post
the ID of the bug you submitted to Apple on the OSX/RFC3484 issue on my
web site, if you want to share it with us.

Best regards,
Tore Anderson
Redpill Linpro AS - http://www.redpill-linpro.com/
Tel: +47 21 54 41 27

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