Broken DNS client resolvers (Was: Dealing with filtered 6to4 clients)

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at
Tue Oct 27 16:03:05 CET 2009

On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 15:29:42 +0100, Jeroen Massar <jeroen at> wrote:
>> Whether it's a glibc or a many-applications bug is debatable.

It is the issue.

> In other words, 6to4, Teredo etc and you are bust.
> Also note that those are the defaults on Windows Vista and Seven...

To my knowledge, _none_ of the common Linux distros enable 6to4 or Teredo
automatically by default. Of course, if they did, then they'd have to
provide resolver hacks such as those done by Microsoft. _Then_ you can
think of running the A and AAA queries in parallel, and timing out the AAAA
query quickly after the A response. But it is currently a non-issue on
_Linux_, which is the system the bug refers to.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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