Looking for DNS/Operational experience

Steve Bertrand steve at ibctech.ca
Fri May 8 06:28:22 CEST 2009

I've been moving forward quickly with IPv6 deployment, and am hoping
that I can garner some 'un-Googlable' information here.

I'm about to write up some Perl scripts to do some crafty work with
router information, but before I dedicate my time to it (I'm about all
we have at our small SP), I thought I'd ask if there is anything of the

- any UNIX command-line tool to convert a compressed v6 addr into a
reverse DNS entry
- mechanism to create a reverse DNS entry, based on fwd lookup (I'm
thinking of writing a Perl app that can get from SNMP int,name,loc etc,
and creating a fwd & rev entry for DNS)

It would also be fantastic if some of the persons who have extensive
operational experience could speak up and share:

- the size of space received
- their number of clients and/or peers
- how they carved up their space
- why they carved it up that way
- what made them cut the space on specific boundaries
- what they did right
- what they wish that they had of done differently


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