Biggest mistake for IPv6: It's not backwards compatible, developers admit

Scott Beuker Scott.Beuker at
Thu Mar 26 22:07:24 CET 2009

> > I don't see the point of raking over history.
> The value would be in recognizing the mistakes that were made and
> learning from them in order to avoid making them again. Unfortunately
> I don't see any willingness to take an honest look at the mistakes
> that were made, so you're right, there is no value in rehashing the
> history.

Furthermore, I think it's highly debatable whether the big mistake
was technical (a lack of backwards compatibility), or business (the
industries lack of timely action). Or both.

It seems to be fashionable this month to point the finger at IPv6 for
having failed us, but dual-stack could have been a solid transition
mechanism if started earlier. But, you know, something about leading
a horse to water and then he doesn't drink.

- Scott Beuker

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