SWIPnet relay handling most U.S. east coast 6to4 traffic?

Mike Leber mleber at he.net
Sun Mar 1 21:34:51 CET 2009

Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
>>From almost anywhere in the Eastern U.S. I test from, traceroutes to
> the 6to4 anycast address seem to land at SWIPnet in Amsterdam.  This
> is because SWIPnet seems to peer with several major U.S. providers in
> New York City, giving a short path from many networks in the U.S. to
> their Amsterdam relay -- notably, from the networks of the major U.S.
> residential cable providers, Time Warner and Cablevision.
> It looks like most public-relay traffic from a large chunk of the U.S.
> could stop tromboning through Europe (and wasting SWIPnet's link
> bandwidth across the Atlantic) if a 6to4 relay were added to one of
> SWIPnet's NYC core routers.  Is there any chance of this?

We deployed 6to4 relays in the US, Europe, Asia to help fix exactly this 
problem, and we announce the and 2002::/16 anycast 
prefixes globally at all locations to all peers and customers.

However, there's no way for any specific peer to know that any one 
network announcing 6to4 anycast prefixes does or does not have more than 
one relay, or that they have a relay thats right there next to them that 
they should be using for better performance (instead of tromboning).

I guess that's a matter of choice between the network that announces the 
prefixes being used and the network that is listening to those prefixes 
and using them.


+---------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C ----------------+
| Mike Leber        Wholesale IPv4 and IPv6 Transit      510 580 4100 |
| Hurricane Electric                                           AS6939 |
| mleber at he.net     Internet Backbone & Colocation      http://he.net |

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