dhcp pd on IOS

Iljitsch van Beijnum iljitsch at muada.com
Fri Jan 23 11:48:30 CET 2009

On 22 jan 2009, at 2:17, Joe Abley wrote:

>> But I was able to do this on a bunch of test 2500s 5 years ago so  
>> I'd say it's in pretty much everything that does IPv6 except the  
>> SOHO boxes.

> The box I have to test with is an old 2600 running 12.3(23), and it  
> doesn't work on there, hence the question. Good to know that DHCPv6  
> pd isn't necessarily a bleeding edge feature, however, if you used  
> it in 2003.

Actually it was 2005 (I think I got the 5 from 2005) so 4 years ago,  
not 5.

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