IPv6 cogentco.com

Ryan Rawdon ryan at u13.net
Mon Aug 10 20:35:54 CEST 2009

I'm merely a lurker on NANOG and am not subscribed to NANOG-POST, if
someone else wanted to CC this discussion over to NANOG, that could be

On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 10:22:22 -0700, Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm at ipinc.net>
> Ryan Rawdon wrote:
>> ryan at vps-mon01:~$ host cogentco.com
>> cogentco.com has address
>> cogentco.com has IPv6 address 2001:550:1::cc01
>> Can anyone actually reach them via the v6 address?  I get timeouts from 
>> anywhere I have tried it so far (various points on Hurricane Electric's 
>> network).
> We have a Looking Glass that you can use to look this up:
> http://whois.ipinc.net/cgi-bin/lg.pl
> as do many other ISPs.  And no, they aren't in our table.
> Hopefully someone can CC this to the NANOG list.
> Ted

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