6to4 borkeness (Was: Google and IPv6)

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Wed Mar 19 17:44:06 CET 2008

David Malone wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 08:31:07AM -0700, Tim wrote:
>>> Please give up on the debugging, 6to4 is not worth it.
>> I expected as much.
> FWIW, my experience with 6to4 is more positive than Jeroen's.

Hmm :)

I have to agree though with your stance that it can work fine. When it 
work it does indeed works fine. But when there is a problem finding it, 
that is the problem, that is why I said the above :)

> For me, debugging 6to4 hasn't proved that much harder than anything
> else. You can find the relay at your end by tracerouting to
>  It's true that the reverse path is hard to debug, but
> that's the same no matter what you're using. It was a little easier
> in IPv6 when we had RH0 (though I know Jeroen prefers looking glasses
> for this sort of thing).

RH0 is great for this, but can cause other problems too and that is why 
bbbit needed to be blocked. Looking Glasses can be rate-limited and 
logged, thus avoiding abuse (if properly configured ;)

I always like to point out to ISP's:
"Test Traffic Measurements Service" = http://www.ripe.net/ttm/

Then again, finding the actual contact address for an ISP tends to be 
difficult too ;)


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