utorrent app now supports IPv6/teredo directly

Ross West ipv6-ops at inet6.ca
Thu Aug 14 17:55:58 CEST 2008

>> It now supports IPv6, along with direct Teredo support.
> Is this different from the IPv6 support in Azureus?

While I don't use Azureus - utorrent makes it extremely simple to
activate IPv6 on systems by providing a simple button that says
"Install IPv6/Teredo" for end users to hit.

So my message is more of a heads up to those people that run Teredo
relays that traffic levels might be increasing soon.

So my subject line should read "utorrent app now activates Ipv6/teredo
directly" or something similar.


 Ross West - doin' ipv6 in Canada.

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