IPv6 traffic data in Asian networks?

Kurt Erik Lindqvist kurtis at kurtis.pp.se
Fri Mar 23 09:22:57 CET 2007

On 23 mar 2007, at 02.12, David Barak wrote:

> --- Nick Hilliard <nick-lists at netability.ie> wrote:
>> [1] see the comcast talk on
>> http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0606/durand.html
>> for pretty much the only good example I've ever seen
>> about why ipv6
>> should be deployed on a particular service
>> provider's network.
> It was a good talk.  However, when I (as a Comcast
> customer) asked about getting an IPv6 address, I was
> told that this is neither offered now, nor is there a
> scheduled time to introduce it.
> I have to agree with you that at this point, there is
> not a compelling business advantage to making the
> investment in IPv6, and there are tremendous costs.

AFAIK the Comcast deployment is purely internal to their network  
managment side and they have no intention to deploy this to  
customers. There are other providers who are looking at doing  
internal services over IPv6 but not route it and not give customers  
access to it.

- kurtis -

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