Ubuntu Linux - Suggestions needed

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Fri Apr 13 17:33:19 CEST 2007

Le vendredi 13 avril 2007 16:33, Stig Venaas a écrit :
> Sounds good. But what would you do if you are on a system that
> supports 6to4 or Teredo out of the box? E.g. a Vista box would always
> have IPv6 connectivity sort of...

To not hit the AAAA timeout, the DNS stack obviously must not wait for 
the answer to an AAAA query. For 6to4 and Teredo to be of any use, the 
DNS stack needs to get the potential AAAA records. These requirements 
are clearly contradictory, so there is no point in looking for a 
solution. In fact, this is not specific to 6to4 and Teredo, though more 
likely to affect these.

Anyway, IPv6 transitions mechanisms can hardly work if the DNS servers 
do not answer AAAA queries. The only solution would consist of not 
bringing these tunnels up in the first place if DNS is broken, e.g. by 
trying a AAAA query first, in the tunneling code.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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