6bone/ip6.int interaction

Mohsen Souissi mohsen.souissi at nic.fr
Wed Jun 14 18:24:00 CEST 2006

Sorry for my late answer (below):

 On 13 Jun, Doug Barton wrote:
 | Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
 | > Do you have the necessary force to avoid ip6.int sneaking in through
 | > ns.isi.edu (which is a listed authoritative server of .int and has
 | > ip6.int loaded into)?
 | Well, it's slightly worse than that actually. Not only does ns.isi.edu still
 | have the zone loaded, but it's (the only INT server) still running the
 | 2006050200 version of the INT zone which still has the delegation. Bill,
 | time to play nice with others. :)
 | As long as we're at it, ns3.nic.fr is still serving the ip6.int zone as
 | well. Stephane? Anyone else from AFNIC?

==> Maybe that wasn't the best way to do it but I wished to see 
the delegation from .int to ip6.int cut before asking ip6.int
authoritative servers to stop serving that zone. If I had to
deconfigure ip6.int on ns3.nic.fr before the delegation int -->
ip6.int being cut, I would simly have caused a lame delegation which
is not a clean way to make ip6.int disappear from the DNS.

I removed all RIR-based *ip6.int zones on ns3.nic.fr because RIRs had
already cut the delegation. I presume that was the right order of

Now, the ip6.int has gone from ns3.nic.fr thus creating a lame
delegation. It's up to the parent zone maintainer to take the
appropriate actions.



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