FYI -- IPv6 Multi-homing BOF at NANOG 35

Iljitsch van Beijnum iljitsch at
Mon Sep 26 18:43:21 CEST 2005

On 26-sep-2005, at 18:27, David Meyer wrote:

>      The IAB has proposed the below BOF for the upcoming NANOG
>      (please see for information on
>      NANOG). As mentioned in the description (see below), the
>      purpose of the BOF is for the IAB to solicit operator
>      feedback on the progress and direction of IETF IPv6
>      multi-homing work,

As many subscribers of this list live in the RIPE area, it's also  
noteworthy that the shim6 wg holds a two day interim meeting during  
the weekend before the upcoming RIPE meeting. Although this meeting  
is more about getting wg work done, I'm sure that if there are any  
operators who have opinions to share, it will be possible to fit this  
into the agenda.


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