6to4 relay routers

Daniel Roesen dr at cluenet.de
Mon Aug 8 21:29:02 CEST 2005

On Sun, Jul 31, 2005 at 02:00:57AM -0700, David Meyer wrote:
> 	In any event, I am interested in which route sets you
> 	would like to see for (your) operational purposes.

Ideally exactly what $ISP would send to customers too. That usually
means a full table minus IBGP more-specifics.

Only on this data you can do meaningful leak analysis...

Ideally, a looking glass would receive a really full view BUT routes
tagged with three (locally) well-known communities declaring them as
either "part of the peering route set", "part of the full table route
set" and "part of the full IBGP route set". So one can filter on the
looking glass to answer questions like:

- does anybody have any routes (if only internal) to some IP?
- does XYZ handle route x/y as customer or peer/upstream route?

Best regards,

CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr at cluenet.de -- dr at IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0

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